Recommendations/ mentions
Agile Business Consortium, HR Journal, F. A. Z. Personaljournal, Handelsblatt Rethinking: Finance, managerSeminare Magazin, KMU-Magazin, StartupValley Magazin, IT Management, Wirtschaft & Weiterbildung, GFA-Forum, Digitale Schweiz, PT-Magazin, GfA, Changement Magazin, Agile20Reflect, ICF Germany
"new insights into corporate culture... good tool for individuals, teams and leaders." Handelszeitung
"a successful & useful book" Wirtschaftspsychologie Heute
"answers to the questions of how an agile organizational culture can be shaped, where the starting points are and where the pitfalls are hidden..." managerSeminare Magazin
"does a good job and uses the TEC model... to show how ... the result is indeed a new agility for the company." IX Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik
"how to build an agile culture in organization" Controlling & Management Review
Selected voices of readers:
“An extremely useful tool...” Prof. M. Wade, Director Global Center for Digital Business Transformation, Switzerland
"great book to learn how to drive culture change..." A. Neitlich, Founder The Center for Executive Coaching, USA
“very valuable guidance.” A. Clegg, Group Talent Director at Coca-Cola HBC, Switzerland
"Highly recommend!" Lyssa Adkins, Agile Coach and author, USA
"Tremendous read." G. Ferreira Ph.D., Agile Program Delivery Leader, Silicon Valley Bank, USA
"very helpful... with ...smart hacks that can be used right away." Dr. L. Kathpalia, President IIBA Pune Chapter, India
“eye opener“ D. Paradis, Director Eckinox, Canada
“almost...an obligation“ G. Abbruzzese, Author, Italy
" loads of actionable guidance" J. Goulden, Board member Organization Design Forum, Germany
"clear and compelling blueprint" F. Post, Strategic Consultant, UK
“a fundamental tool to drive cultural change.“ R. Engelbrecht, Agile Practitioner, South Africa

This publisher`s bestseller is used in universities teaching in the subject of new work and agile leadership. The HAVE-model presented in the book has been featured on Forbes.com.
Recommendations/ mentions
Agile Business Consortium, F. A. Z. Personaljournal, Handelsblatt Rethinking: Finance, Wirtschaftsforum, The Agile Times, Wirtschaftspsychologie Heute, Digitale Schweiz, LVT, Wirtschaft und Weiterbildung, Agile20Reflect Festival, ICF Germany, Business School of Management Hamburg, Persoblogger, StartupValley Magazin, Projektmagazin, VNR-Verlag für die Deutsche Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsforum
"...highly recommended.“ managerSeminare Magazin
„Helpful reading...“ getabstract
„... fully convincing, as it inspires, e.g. via "The Manifesto for Agile Organizational Structure", to question one's own behavior patterns...“ GABAL e.V.
Selected voices of readers:
“I consider this book a ‘Must Have’... based on science and filled with a variety of insights into how agile leadership develops maximum impact for leaders. It is an excellent and practical guide for leaders.” M. Wade, Professor at IMD, Director of the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation, Switzerland
"Dr. Puckett is an expert in the space of agility... She... breaks it down into the strategies and tactics that show results." Andrew Neitlich, Founder of The Center for Executive Coaching, FL, USA
“...both scientifically sound and absolutely practical.” M. Waber, Head of Organizational & People Development at Swiss Re, Switzerland.
„One of the best contributions I have read on the subject.“ Prof. Dr. E. Wagner, Germany
“... psychological insights into personality and competence development... very helpful guide to developing agile leadership competencies.“ I. Romano, Executive Coach, NY, USA
"...insightful and entertaining reading.“ A. Melcher, Head Global Assessment & Selection at Credit Suisse

The development of a new working world requires a rethink at management level. Self-leadership and motivating employees to step up and develop future-skills is a key factor for the future. Based on psychological knowledge and in depth experience with leadership development the author uses concrete practical examples and challenges, to show how we can develop key competencies for the future AND support others to do the same.
- The new world of work - How do I position myself?
- Developing personality, enabling development
- Determining and strengthening one's own strengths
- Individual risk factors in the new working world
- Career killers- derailment risks from leadership research
- What others are not telling us Perceiving signals, understanding reactions
- Self-reflection as a key competence
- Out of the comfort zone - how to succeed
- Turning ourselves from an obstacle into a catalyst for development
- Recognizing one's own performance and abilities
- Set priorities and focus
- Flexibility demands limits and mindfulness
- Focus for effectiveness and satisfaction
- Self-leadership and self-organization
- Making an impact in the organization / environment
- Finding your own role in the team
- Organizational rebels, critical thinking
- Future competencies smart decision making, solution orientation and creativity
Selected press and reader voices:
"Psychologically sound impulses for your leadership role.... To realign and to grow personally...A successful book ." BUSINESS PSYCHOLOGY TODAY
"Very up-to-date source of information, "how to", and exercise book. Great book, clear reading recommendation!" CAREERS LOUNGE
"With many practical thoughts, tools and tips.... For those who are looking for practical benefits, this book is recommended." xm-Institute
"Worth reading...interesting impulses" Dr. S. Beck, Senior Leadership Consultant
"Her focus on constructive self-leadership and development as well as her perspective on agility and other forms of new organizing make her book very captivating." C. Thiele, Positive Leadership Course Director
"Well-founded impulses for the new leadership role." B. Schwertfeger, Editor-in-Chief MBA Journal
"I have been a business psychologist since the early 90s - and finally there is a really good, psychologically sound and action-oriented book on the subject of leadership, which I can recommend "with a good feeling"! B. S. Management Consulting